Friday, December 5, 2008

December 4th Meeting

Hello Everyone!

If you missed PUG last night, you missed a good one. Elizabeth kicked the meeting off by reminding us of the value and power of giving vendors prints of their work. A powerful lesson in networking and staying true to your word!

Mike Larson came in to talk to us about Leadership and Influence and I know he inspired me to become a better leader and person! Mike shared some great marketing ideas and tips for building relationship with vendors as well. Don't the VIP parties and premiere parties just sound fun?! Mike also reminded us to set ourselves apart from the competition by providing a customer experience for people to talk about!

It was great to be reminded that "who we are transcends everything" and we should be aware of developing ourselves constantly. Mike reminded us that if "we are not growing in learning, we are going backwards in leading!" Ouch but true!

After Mike's talk I started working on my NOT TO DO LIST, making a book list from some of the books he suggested like:
The E-Myth Revisited (a great book I need to read again) and Never Eat Alone. He also mentioned this book which is an oldie but goodie and a favorite of mine!

Mike showed us how ShootQ helps him manage his leads and employees by helping assign tasks and build workflow. A great system which we use here at MHP and he shared with us about KISS wedding books which I will be ordering soon!

A BIG THANKS TO KEVIN SEIFERT FOR THE PHOTOS BELOW! Several people had left before we were able to take the group shot so sorry if we missed you!





